No one knows what the other goes through!
No one knows what is behind our sad eyes, and broken smiles. No one knows the thoughts that curse our minds, and walk on our fragile souls.No one knows me well enough to see beyond my flesh! They cant see my shattered mind, or my broken heart! They cant read my mental resume, or see how life has taken me so far from where I have been. How confusing to think that no one knows how to creep into your head, long enough to hear your deepest thoughts. No one knows me, or the road I have been down! So if when we meet, all you see is my pale skin, and my dark eyes.
Don't stand before me in judgment! Just remember...You don't know me!
lovely ideas as nw a days people jst ready to critic bt no one knows wht going inside thm bcz f which dt crtics comes:)